
stay happy there



13 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3WinnerDouble MasterLegendaryFamous
1KVolcanoDream WeaverTrick 2019
09-27-2015, 05:09 PM

Valentine had considered all sorts of possible answers to his question, but the request Aki put towards him took him by surprise. Where he slept, eh? Well, that had potential for interest things. Returning Aki's grin, the brute chuckled to himself before replying to the rogue's statements. "Oh, I doubt I do. I do a lot of patrolling so I have a couple of temporary places around the packlands, but not one I retreat to every night." He was rather fond of his tractor, but it wasn't the most comfortable of places. His den under the boulder in the Knolls had been quite cozy. "I'll show you my favorite sleeping places though."

Tossing one last grin in Aki's direction, he took off in the direction of the Range. After a few beats of silence he decided to actually play tour guide and tell Aki a bit about the place they were going. "There are relics here, a huge wooden and stone structure and many metal things." Unafraid that this man wouldn't be able to keep up (a rogue his height was an oddity), he amped up his pace to a ground-eating lope. "The wooden structure is drafty and the wood is rotted in many places, but there are many interesting things inside. I don't think I've examined everything in it yet. The metal things, they remind me of skeletons in some ways, are smaller, but still the size of boulders."

"Ah, there they are." In the distance the silhouette of the barn rose high up over the Range, its alien-like features contrasting with the natural world around it. The trees around it challenged it in size and while that was an impressive feat, nothing could quite take away from the strangeness of the relic.


NOTE: Valentine has a female striped skunk companion named Lefty. Unless stated otherwise assume she's present.