
Drop Kick Me Jesus Through The Goalposts Of Life



5 Years
09-27-2015, 05:54 PM
Starling would glance back at her, his gaze open and happy as he did. There was a knowing look to his features as well, his one brow slightly lower than the other, and the right of his lips crooked a little higher around his bundle of herbs. She would raise passed him then, as if knowing the destination, and his brow would crook all the higher untill she stopped. With a snort he'd nod his head, happiness flooding through him as he trotted to catch up to her. After this, he might have to give her a tour so she'd know Abaven a bit better, and know where to watch out for snakes and what part of the rapids were the most dangerous. With each paw step he ate the distance between them before he stepped up to her side, and gently shifted to nudge his shoulder with hers as he moved to pass her, playful smile on his grin. Suddenly he'd bolt, racing through the grasses and knowing, almost instinctually, that she would chase after him. This would be fun! It wasn't everyday he made a new friend, and even then he could tell right off the bat that he and Raba would get along swimmingly. Now that he was over his initial anxiety over meeting someone new, he could feel the playfulness swimming through his veins. It was something so rare, that every time he felt it he knew he had to hold onto it. Daring a glance over his shoulder to see if Raba was following, he'd continue to lop, in a pace that he would never have been able to achieve last season let alone last year. It wouldn't take long before they reached his store, and he wanted to win!
