
Fumitory Friends



5 Years
09-27-2015, 06:36 PM
Starling would toe at the plant almost awkwardly, knowing his dream of learning "everything" was a little far fetched. Perhaps it would be better to focus on one aspect of healing, since Abaven did have battle medics that were, technically, meant to specialize in battle healing. But Starling...he couldn't do that. That was like limiting yourself to one kind of meat, or only talking to wolves that started with the letter A. There was so much to learn, and every time he learned new things his life grew why would he limit that feeling? At Lyndvarr's question he hummed lightly. "" He said slowly. "M-my sister and my brother b-both like to h-heal, and my c-cousin, and my a-aunt..." Abaven had quite the number of healers, but did he have to dictate his learning by their knowledge? "A-as a healer...i-isn't it o-our responsibility to sh-share our kn-knowledge with an-anyone sick or i-injured? If I f-focus on i-illnesses, a-and I come a-across a w-wolf with a r-really bad battle w-wound...i-isn't it unfair o-of me, t-to leave th-them injured? H-how can I c-call m-myself a h-healer if I o-only know h-half the trade." No, he shook his head. "I n-need to l-learn all I can, for th-the sake of e-everyone I meet." He said with determination then, before sighing softly. Maybe that was a very selfish way of thinking. Did knowledge really make him important, or justified in helping whoever he met? Did healing really give him that right?

He would blink up at Lyndvarr again, boy the man had lots of questions. But it was good! It was great! The more you knew about one individual plant the better. "W-well I supposed i-it depends on the size of th-the patient, as w-well as the age. Be wary o-of pregnant wolves for in-injesting, I'd actually a-advise against it. But I g-generally start with the s-smallest doseage for i-injesting and i-increase in small amounts if n-needed." He said softly, leaning down to pick a flower and gently cut the flower from the stalk. "For a y-young h-healthy a-adult female I-I'd start w-with.." He'd gently tear a small flower from the rest of the bloom. "A-about this size. I-increase slightly f-for males or w-weight. D-decrease if th-they are y-younger than two o-or older than e-eight.." He said softly, looking up at Lyndvarr. "F-for sk-skin irrit-tants you h-have to make a paste. I s-suggest the e-entire flower d-dependent on the size of the i-irritant. I-if it causes th-the irritant to s-swell or w-worsen, w-wash it off w-with cool water i-instantly and use aloe or lamb's ear." He said then, hoping it all made sense. Healing wasn't something you could really describe in cut and dry terms. Each wolf had a different immune system, and it was up to the healer's to figure out a correct dosage for that wolf. Start small, and work your way up.

"Burn Baby Burn"