
Familiar Landscape



04-12-2013, 12:56 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

The warmth of the summer air drove the little grey wolf from merely walking beside the stream to walking in it, letting the cool waters swirl and pass around her paws and ankles as she continued to follow its course. Even without the sun shining persistently upon her back, the cloud cover still heavy and no doubt carrying still a little more rain before the west would finally be rid of them, the heat was still there. She could feel it settle over her body, hanging in the air, and was grateful her coat was typically more accustomed to such weather. It made days like this more enjoyable.

She closed her eyes momentarily, giving herself over to the swift yet gentle current of the water in the shallows that she walked through and the winds as they slipped around her body, and as she opened them, peering off to her right and across the other side of the stream, she spotted another trotting through the grasses in her direction, looking like she may have had the intent to join her. Always friendly, always willing to strike up a conversation with a stranger if the moment presented itself and the stranger in question was willing, Ashtoreth wagged her tail in greeting as she continued to walk down the stream's shallow side, hoping the friendly gesture would be seen and taken into consideration as the other approached.

Only when she was close enough to hear did Ash raise her voice in greeting. "Hello," she called as the other drew near and she stopped within the stream, assuming the she-wolf to be out and about for the same sort of reasons that she was. "Enjoying the weather? It's been raining non-stop for a while where I'm from. So glad to finally be rid of it." The wolf's answer hardly mattered so much as whether she would answer at all or not. Hoping for something positive, for at least a little reassurance that her company would tolerate her if nothing else, the little grey wolf awaited the others reply with a smile.