



13+ Years

Treat 2019
09-27-2015, 10:01 PM

Esti was still attempting to comfort her before Shaye arrived, Deep breaths, right. How'd she forgotten that? She'd do just that as Valen came to her side. She'd break her gaze from him as Esti gave them her parting words, and they were comforting. Shaye appeared then, her voice soothing Rhythm as she appeared at her side. She'd been a miracle pup, hope was still possible. Where Rhythm had been less than helpful Shaye would ask for specific herbs, Rhythm would have been content with the cannabis that Evangeline held but Integra was suddenly off to grab some motherwort.

Not that Rhy had been paying much attention. She nuzzled Shaye as Valentine gave his order that it be only himself and her in the den. She'd turn to him, hearing the confidence in his voice would give her the added strength she needed. She'd manage to return his smile before giving her niece another nuzzle. "I'm glad you're here, I"ll call you if I need help." She'd lick Shaye's forehead before slipping into the den ahead of Valen.

She'd get comfortable, glad now that she'd made a nest so early. Her den floor was lined with prairie dog fur, it would be a perfect bed for her new little ones. She'd settle nicely, but as she did another contraction found its way through her. This one was getting bad, she'd lean back into Valentine as she cringed, not able to think about much other than pushing. She knew very well he was there, and took the comfort that he offered. She had to go through a few more contractions, each one more painful than the last. Though she hadn't made much noise as she advanced further into the birthing process she'd whine painfully as she pushed, and finally the first of their children arrived.

She was sooo tiny, with a short gasp Rhythm would turn her attention to the tiny child at her tail. As she'd thought, she wouldn't move at first arrival. All of Rhythm's attention would linger on the girl as she tore open the sac and started licking her furiously. She had to breathe on her own, she had to be able to breathe on her own.

Valentine may enter any of Rhythm's threads