

Shaye I


8 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantTreat 2019
09-27-2015, 11:07 PM
Shaye whimpered as she was so quickly dismissed first by valentine and a gesture that was echoed by rhythm. Her auntie had said she could be there for the birthing but so quickly she went back on that. All she had ever wanted was for her hero to be her parent, her family, she wanted to move into imp and live with her auntie, a bold move she she had never known how to go about. The dismissal was a sharp reminder that all it ever was... was an empty wish. Rhythm would not only never be hers, but the family she was having now wasn't something for her to be a part of. Her children would never call her sister, and she would not be there for their arrival into this world, her scent would be would be a stranger to them.

Even the wolves here dismissed her so easily, she did not mean a thing to any of them, she was not even a name but a strangers face. Despite being the one to ask for the correct herbs, they would be given immediately to the birthing mother without so much as a question of percentage, leaving rhythm to do the work for herself. Slowly, reluctantly, shaye would slink away and back out of imps terratory, the feeling of abandonment was utterly and wholly new to her, and it was was a feeling she never wanted to hold again.

-exit shaye-


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