
Deep Inside



3 Years
Extra large
09-27-2015, 11:46 PM

The very power of this place trembled in the soil below his paws. Small tremors rumbled like a growl below him, making the boy walk with very cautious steps. Even just by looking around, it was very easy to see that this land was not one that was safe. It was eerily silent, not even a bird sang over head. Cath's ears felt like they were ringing from the pressure of silence, and he instead tried to focus on the earth. Huge cracks split open the ground like a gaping maw, trees that had been knocked away from their very root system lay toppled over. It looked like a storm had raged through these parts again and again, but the growling made him think otherwise. With a mighty groan the lands shifted a tiny bit, causing the monotone male to stop and brace himself. Only a small earthquake shook these parts, but its very power left the yearling trembling against its might. He had seen the earth below his paws move, and it made him feel uncertain about walking onward. There were many signs that this was not a safe place to be, but he simply could not curb his curiosity.

Cathaoir's stunning green eyes landed on the stripped bark of a fallen pine, and very carefully he picked his way over to it. Climbing on top, his dull claws gripped at the bare surface as he pulled himself upwards until he was standing on the very large trunk. He was already a tall wolf, he didn't really need the assistance of a tree to make him feel bigger. But it wasn't for that reason that he had climbed up, he wanted a better vantage point to look out on these barren hills. There was no life here at all it seemed, only a gentle summer breeze rattled through the empty terrain. It ruffled his gray coat, and he lifted his ribbon marked leg to bat at a leaf that drifted passed his face. Nearly losing his grip on the slippery surface, he quickly slammed it back down, tail flying outward to try and keep his balance. It was too late though, without the bark there wasn't much for his dull claws to bite into. They were nothing like cat claws, he could not get a proper grip as he tumbled from the top of the log. Landing on the earth with a thud, his head spun slightly as his darker tipped ear rested on the dusty earth. He could hear the anger of the shifting land much better now, and for a moment he didn't bother to pick himself up and clean himself. Instead he strained to listen closer, seeing if the groaning of the plates had anything else to say. They hardly ever grew quiet, their constant rumbling almost sounding like a purr now. It slowly started to fade, confusing the boy, until a loud boom left him nearly deaf. Scrambling back up to a standing position, almost teetering over the other way from the shock of the sound.

The boy heard a loud ringing in his ears, and shook his head to try and scatter the painful sound. It didn't leave, and the ground started to quiver once again. Looking up in alarm, Cath saw one of the hills slowly start to expand upwards, cracking and booming sounding loud enough to be heard over the ringing. Fear pulsed in his pale eyes as he scattered away from the tree, right before a large cut of land split open before him. His front paws scrambled as he reared upwards, pushing himself backwards so that he landed hard on his back. The wind was sucked right out of him, all the air whistling out of his lungs at the impact. Gasping for air he fought to pick himself up again, fear pulsing through his massive form. The crack did not seem to be growing, but he was still so shocked from the entire incident that he didn't have the effort left to block out his bipolar tenancies. So the strong emotion was taken and run with, leaving very little room for the boy to have a single rational thought. He was in instinct mood, which is when he was the most dangerous.

Finally able to take a deep breath, Cath fled the scene. He ran until he was gasping for breath once more, his sides heaving painfully. Fear made his eyes wide, whites showing clearly. He was struggling to get a deep breath, and finally it was enough for his young body. With all the excitement and panic, the giant beast fell once more to the barren ground. This time he heard no ringing as his mind blocking out everything else. Darkness slipped around him like a warm blanket, covering him in its dark embrace. Cathaoir was deaf to the landscape around him, his eyes closing and he let himself be swallowed hole by the sweet comfort of sleep.

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