
In the land of obscurity



3 Years
Extra large
09-28-2015, 12:42 AM

The art of exploring was something that came natural to the boy, after being stuck on an island for his whole first year on an island. He had been told so many stories of these lands than he needed to see them for himself, and wanted to document everything that he came into contact with. So before he made his way to find a home, Cath was determined to lean the lay out of this entire land mass. Okay, maybe not all of it, but at least a good chunk of it. So when he saw the large mount sticking out like a sore thumb, he naturally made his way towards it. Mint green eyes scanned the horizon, large paws making hardly any sound as he weaved his way around obstacles. The way that he made his way across the landscape with no hesitation made it look like he knew this lands, but that was a lie. He had no idea where he was, what this place was called, or even what to expect. And that was the beauty of it all, it was an adventure into the literal unknown. All he could do was wait and wonder, careful to keep his emotions in check. He had only had a few minor out breaks since he got here, snapping at the very nice red marked woman, as well as passing out where the landscape constantly shifted. That was a major episode, and it made him shutter with the memory of it. He didn't want to have that happen again, so since that day he had been a bit more cautious to keep his head clear and level. Pushing conversations would not happen for the next few sunrises, he didn't need the added frustration at the moment. And it would seem that no matter how hard he tried, it was very difficult for him to portray with words how he felt. Trying to get another to understand what he was trying to say, or what he was feeling, was like forcing an elk to piss where you wanted it to. Pretty damn near impossible.

The large gray boy made it to the base of the Mount, the heat radiating from its very core. Carefully he lifted his ribbon marked leg and touched the bottom of his paw to the rock. It was warm, but not too hot to touch. Humming thoughtfully, he moved closer to push his ear against it. There was a soft rushing, like an underground river, but with a thicker liquid. He had been told about these volcano things, but he had never seen one on the island before. Stretching his head heavenwards he tried to eye the top of it, eyes squinting. It was too high up, although he could see the very air around the top shift and twist like mist. The heat that escaped from the top was distorting the air until it looked like it was dancing. Smirking to himself, he lowered his limb to the short grass and moved on, rubbing his monotone flank against the warmth of the rock before he began his walk around it. It was quite wide, he would never get dizzy if he attempted to race around the base of it several times. The grasses and shrubs that grew around the mount were short and rough, needing to survive in the warmer, drier climate that the volcano forced on the landscape. He had a feeling that deer stayed away from this area, but maybe there was something similar that lived here. Like an antelope or something. His belly growled at the thought of food, and he paused to look back at his stomach. Eyes narrowed as he huffed at it, betraying the sense of hunger that gnawed him deep within. But he didn't want to hunt for himself right now, he wanted to keep exploring.

As he walked on along the mount, flank still brushing against the rock surface a few times, blinked as he suddenly picked out the form of another wolf. It had been a little bit since he had run into another soul, and this one seemed rather... dead. The boy looked to be about the same age as Cath, and from where he stood he looked shorter than him. It was rather hard to tell though, his brown and white mottled form was clinging to the landscape like his life depended on it. If it wasn't for the erratic flare of his sides, he would assume that the boy was no longer living. Against his better judgement, Cathaoir slowly picked his way towards the trembling form. Stopping a few feet away, he just looked down at him, wondering what on earth was wrong with him. His pale green gaze looked up and around him, but there was nothing that led him to believe that he had been scared by anything. It was just the two of them here, and a few hares eyeing the two with caution. The yearling thought about leaving the other to deal with his own problems and go hunt one down, but he was already standing right here. Ears flickered back awkwardly as he shuffled on his paws slightly, before lifting one up and moving close enough to prod the fallen boy's cheek. After lightly jabbing him a few more times, he returned his paw to the earth before he just stood there and... looked at him. Not a single word was uttered, and he wondered if the poor thing really was dying. Maybe he should just go and hunt... Tearing his gaze away from the wolf on the ground, he eyed the closest hare, its elongated ears erect as it eyes the predator. Its whiskers shuttered as it froze, and the two just stared at each other for a moment. Before Cath could make a move to leave the stranger to his own devices and give chase, the rodent quickly dove away and into the safety of its burrow. Damn. It was too late now, and he felt like he had no other choice but to wait now. Looking briefly over the expansion of land before the two, his gaze moved once again to the creature at his paws. Maybe he was dead...

"Talk" "You" Think