



1 Year
04-12-2013, 02:30 PM

Must we hide from everyone...?

Night, it was her favorite time to wander the realms of life, for only here was peace and tranquility ever found. It was found in the beauty of the evening breeze, the scent of due that attempted to cast its cloak over the world, as well as the delicious taste of the fog as it settled over everything around her. Night itself was alluring, drawing upon her attentions like moth to a flame, and yet it had never once harmed her. It was a rare thing that the temptress wandered the realms of the day, finding dens to wander into - remaining hidden from the greedy eyes of the living world until she saw fit.

stiff were limbs of the woman as she rousts from her den that had kept her hidden from the blades of light that had so often burnt her precious eyes in the day. Velvety lobes twitched scantly, drawing upon the sounds of the night's orchestra that sang about her, and the woman's lips drew themselves upwards at their corners delicately into the formation of a quiet smile. It was time. Time to wander the world and explore what had been kept from her when she slept. But what would be seen, she wondered - for she knew well the sounds of the night better than those of the day.

In perpetual silence she ascends out of her den to the sleeping world, looking around herself briefly and taking her surroundings before she stalks off. Paws make not a peep as they carry the huntress through the forest, though she is irked by the stinging sensation the pulses through her eyes from sleep. Batting of her lashes soon eases this mild stinging sensation and after a brisk ruffle of her silken pelt she is right and comfortable.

While wandering the wraith comes across the presence of a female about forty yards ahead of her, and only then does she pause in her steps to observe. Who is the woman and just what was it that brought her to come out here at night? Not often is it that the dame bears company in such hours, let alone that of a female. Is the woman traveling somewhere? Is she hunting? such questions begin to scatter their tickling fingertips along the woman's brainpan as she now pauses to stare onwards towards the other huntress of who's spine has been exposed to her.


No notes.