
Get your heal on [Heal training]



10 Years
09-28-2015, 07:59 AM (This post was last modified: 09-28-2015, 05:37 PM by Tealah.)

The work of clearing a den large enough for more than one wolf and a cache of herbs to occupy would be exhausting work even for a healthy wolf. Even with a generous sprinkling of breaks and a lot of water, Harmony was feeling weak and ached terribly this morning when she awoke, and the den was barely large enough for her to curl up in by herself still. Slowly, she was chipping away at the nearly insurmountable task when Starling's voice called out for the healers to gather for training.

Good, she was more than ready for a break from moving dirt. A smile curved her muzzle at the sound - she was so proud of Starling, so very proud. He'd been so shy and nervous when he was younger, she was so happy to see that he'd come out of his shell and gained some confidence in his abilities. Carefully cleaning herself of the dirt, she moved to answer his call with a much neater appearance.

Her gaze took in both Starling and Sparrow, and she sent the girl a warm smile. She was glad to see the girl's interest in healing, but even more she was happy to see how close Bass' pups seemed to be. "Sparrow, Starling, it is good to see you both. And who is your friend?" she added, casting a glance at the youth their age who had been speaking excitedly with Starling when she'd approached, and was startled for a moment. The girl was nearly the spitting image of Mirabelle Tavros, and nearly the same age Mira had been when she and Harmony had met. It was not, of course, Mira, but the resemblance was quite startling, and the spark of recognition was clear. The two adults who had appeared earned a measuring glance and a welcoming smile as well, though she did not know either of them and the one seemed to bear a different pack's scent. That one she kept a more... wary eye on. She did not know how he came to be here, but he did not act like a trespasser.
