
And a huntin we go



5 Years
09-28-2015, 08:48 AM
Starling would smile gently as his aunt awoke and moved to slip from the den. Quickly he stepped aside, allowing her to wake up and accept his invitation. Great! Fantastic! Two birds with one stone, hed have to do this more often. He loved his aunt harmony dearly, her gentleness made him feel more comfortable, and he knew that she wouldnt judge him if he messed up. Oh how he had missed her as a teacher, missed her softness and her knowledge. Instead he had relied on outside sourced of knowledge, but oh how he longed for that time back, to bond with his aunt. Even with siblings that were interested in healing, none seemed to breathe the trade like Starling, none needed it to survive like he did. And those that werent interested just found it boring, his father included. So it was nice to have someone like Harmony who, he hoped, understood him better because of her own interest in healing.

He watched with curious eyes as she ate her herbs, but he didnt say anything. Had she been sick? Was that why she had been so absent? He would hum lightly to himself before looking up at his aunt. "I-i am needing m-more wound b-binders. P-perhaps the woods?" He said, the question more to himself than hers. He'd glance at her den then, knowing she had been working hard. Healers needed more room than other wolves, needed to be able to keep their herbs clean and safe from the elements. He chewed his cheek for a moment before looking up at her. "I n-need to s-stock m-my store. H-have you s-seen it? I c-can sh-show you wh-when we g-get back. I j-just d-dug it all o-out….I w-wouldnt m-mind an-another p-proj-ject like th-that a-again…" He hinted softly, smiling meekly up at his aunt before turning and motioning for her to come with. To the woods they go!

"Burn Baby Burn"