
In This New World


09-28-2015, 03:16 PM

Such a curious individual he was. His smirk, strange as it was, was kind of nice to look at. His words were kind of interesting too to her ears. Broken and jarred speech, yet, unique enough to capture Sunniva’s attention. He seemed to have an attitude to him, but so did she at times. In fact, this male seemed both unique and normal at the same time within her eyes. She would adjust her own position, ears perked curiously at the male as her red eyes scanned him over. What a unique look he held too. She rather like the marking upon his leg. His words almost seemed guarded in a sense too, and Sunniva would chuckle softly.

“Yes, there are many different types of strangers. The good, the bad, and the ugly.” Sunniva knew well enough that not everyone would want to be friends. She knew hat not everyone was friendly or open to the idea of having an ally, or even a conversation. But the woman was one who would try regardless. She would let her eyes close, perhaps a bit of a foolish move, though she kept the rest of her senses trained on the man.

“There can be a thrill at the chance of danger as well. You can get some good practice in for fighting if a stranger ends up being dangerous... Though it all depends on your own taste in lifestyle.” Sunniva would feel the wind ruffle her fur as she spoke on, her mind at work. What sort of stranger would Cathaoir turn out to be, she wondered? Would he continue to be that awkward sort of conversing type, one that would eventually walk away and never be seen again?

He would claim that he wasn’t good at talking so maybe not even that option was going to be possible. Maybe they would be parting ways sooner than she would like. “Not everyone is. That doesn’t mean that they can’t have a good conversation or exchange important information though.” Sunniva would open her eyes once more, a smirk playing upon her lips.

“The place is new for you as well huh? I’ve been in Alacritia for quite a bit of time, but it seems that I keep finding new places.” The woman of grays and red would cock her head to the side curiously. “Are you perhaps newer to Alacritia?” The she-wolf would dip her head apologetically.

“I apologize if I’m talking too much, by the way.”

"Talk" "You" Think