
Blank Space



13+ Years
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantFamousChristmas 2019Treat 2019Promptober 2019
09-28-2015, 06:34 PM

He was certainly interested. And his curiosity towards her was doubly interesting. He seemed quite surprised when she said that she was the packs beta, a brow raising just slightly but unnoticeable to him she hoped. She glanced down at her paws when he said she didn't have to apologize. She honestly felt like she did have to despite what he said. It was who she was, though judging someone based on someone else's interpretation of them was not okay, and something that she never did. Perhaps Arian was rubbing off on her...and not always in the good way.

"And it's no wonder.. She looked back up at him to find a smile on his face, listening to him as he asked if his name meant anything. Now it was her turn to shrug. " be honest, Arian can get quite...touchy. I've noticed it lately, and I guess it rubbed off on me a little. I found her pack and joined for...well, I guess because emotionally we connected. And that was something I hadn't had in a very long time." She sighed, she was about to ramble on about nothing wasn't she? Of course, she missed talking to others about alot of things. "Your name doesn't really spark any memory, either I'm getting old and forgetting or we only know you as 'enemies from Imperium' which...come to think of it, Arian didn't want Sonticus even talking to any of you."

She shrugged again as if dismissing that last part. Offering a smile to the gentleman. That was how she saw him as at this moment anyway. She'd forget about her heat, glancing around them as he explained why he was here. She had to agree with him with a slow nod of her head. "I have to agree with you. It's often hard finding a quiet place to think within pack lands without someone bothering you, that's why I'm here. I suppose great minds think alike hm?" She couldn't help but laugh a little, humor shining in her eyes.
"Talk" "You" Think


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