
Hold on Darlin'



13+ Years

Treat 2019
09-28-2015, 08:05 PM

She found that it was hard to keep her eyes off of them. Rhyme and Rhys were perfect. They had been so very tiny when they'd been born, smaller than any pu she'd ever seen before. For a few days she'd wondered if the last minute was going to be the last she got to spend with them. Being so touch and go, being so uncertain about their future, had done absolutely no help to the new mother. She worried constantly and it felt like she hadn't had a wink of sleep in the past week. But they were putting on weight. She could see very well now that the both of them, though small at first, had insatiable appetites and it didn't take long to realize that they were fighters. She wouldn't let go of hope, of knowing that they could pull through this.

She tried to only leave the den at the hottest part of the day, so even in her absence they would not chill in the cave under the boulder. Not that she often left them with out Valentine being there to watch over them. She didn't really ever want to leave them, but nature called and she needed to get water as well as retrieve the gifts that were left for her outside. He seemed to be with her more often than not, it seemed like he felt the same anxiety she did, that terrible little voice inside her head that wouldn't let her forget how fragile her two tiny children were.

It was later in the day now, the sun was setting and Rhythm was waking from a restless nap. Both pups were out cold, snuggled together against her warm belly. For now they mostly slept, but soon their eyes would open and their first words would be spoken. She'd sigh contentedly as she enjoyed the intimate moment with her little ones as she wondered what life had in store for them.

Valentine may enter any of Rhythm's threads