
Stubborn Creatures



5 Years
09-28-2015, 08:22 PM
When he saw Callisto's expression change Jakart knew that something was wrong immediately when she frowned. Already his ears flicked back a little against his skull as the she wolf just stood there for a moment as if in deep thought. Whatever was going through her mind eventually surfaced in a very unexpected answer. The herbs he picked were assumed to be something for indigestion or a simple headache, never could he have thought that Callisto would want such a plant to be in her stores. A contraceptive. To prevent pregnancy. As the end of last winter came to mind and the intimacy they had shared surfaced up a sense of fear over came him. Was she thinking of her time in the cavern being defiled by an unknown male? Was that all she thought about when mating and it's similar topics came up.

Jakarts maw immediately dried at the sense of anxiety, compounded by the fact that Callisto had taken a step away from him. No no no no, she shouldn't have to feel such a way around him anymore. But whatever twisted thoughts of him she was thinking to cause her to be cautious resulted in another step back. The grey male began to step away, ears pinned and tail tucked in fear. With a moment given to recall how quickly he had left when first showing the healer upon arriving at the gulley Jakart enacted a similar solution to his friends worries and quickly bounded away. Never would he hurt her, and as his paws carried him away she would hopefully be assures by that the faster they parted ways.

-Exit Jakart-