
Mistakes Happen



10 Years
Dragon Mod
09-29-2015, 03:51 AM

He'd been growing a bit restless lately. His thoughts seemingly random at time but lately, they'd been lingering on two things. One, figuring out a plan to somehow make the little brats disappear...two, how was the dark maiden faring? It had been two seasons since he'd last seen her, and he wondered if she ever found the ones she was looking for. Unfortunately for him, he had grown somewhat fond of her during their time together. But he'd driven her from his mind since, betting that he would never see her again. And yet...she plagued his mind like a swarm of flies.

Irritated, he decided to leave his den and go for a walk, little did he know his father was out here...and in an interesting bit of a situation at that. Enigma would decide to hunt, perhaps to get his mind off his very rare troubled thoughts. However, almost as soon as he set out he could scent his father on the winds, the scent of his blood stained coat fresh--wait, what? Fresh? Had someone trespassed and gotten torn into? Oh this he had to see!

With a mischievous grin, Enigma made his way at a quick pace towards his father's location, but as he drew closer, he would suddenly slow down. That was so...familiar...and yet, the tang of blood was stronger, which made it hard to decipher who it belonged to. Brows furrowed as he continued on, and as he drew closer he could hear his father's voice and the voice of someone else. "Bound for hell...I missed you."
Eyes widened as he realized who it was, and without further thought he raced forward, his father and the fallen figure coming into view. "Stop!" He cried out as he frantically reached them.

His heart pounded as he stared down at her, the woman who haunted his dreams. She broken and beaten. So...near death. Slowly, he moved forth to nose her face, trying to keep her conscious for a moment longer as he then turned to his father. "Don't kill her. We can...use her, don't you think?" An excuse. He didn't want to tell him that he knew her...not yet anyway. What if his dad got pissed with him for making friends with someone who...well, was in her current condition? Making friends was for the weak...amber gaze locked on amber gaze. If his father chose to try and kill her anyway, well...he'd have a fight on his paws.

Speech Thought Others


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