
sometimes the world leaves you behind



7 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze Participant
09-29-2015, 01:00 PM

Chaos was sleeping peacefully for once. Sometimes it seemed he was more of a handful than all three of her older children had been at this age. He'd been a fitful sleeper from the start, and with the odd shape of his mouth he still had a lot of trouble nursing, so it seemed like he was always nursing and he was more prone to colic with the amount of air he gulped in while doing so.

It was a surprise to her that he'd survived until now, though he still was not thriving in the same way her older children had, growing much more slowly. But his eyes and ears were open now and his little squeaks were beginning to form real sounds, imitations of her own words. He was starting to make his determined, bobble-headed way around the den already, he was developing a distinct and unique personality and as adorable as he was she really, really needed a break from him right now.

She didn't know if Valentine had told the pack of Chaos' birth, if Integra had, as she herself had made no effort to interact with her packmates since the birth a couple weeks before, and it wasn't like wolves hadn't disappeared for weeks at a time on their own adventures. She had been tired and feeling ill more often than not. Moody, she hadn't wanted visitors and had kept herself hidden away, quiet whenever anyone seemed likely to approach. Outwardly to Valen and their kids when they came by she had maintained a cheerful attitude, an insistence that he was going to be ok despite the disfigurement of his mouth, and that Valentine had nothing to worry about with her and with Chaos, so that Valen could concentrate on his other children and his job as alpha, but inwardly, and in private moments... Chaos' oddities were a constant black cloud over her, a constant worry that she would wake and he'd be gone, that unique child that she'd grown to love so desperately snuffed out in the middle of the night, and coupled with the lack of sleep from a fretful infant it did not make for very happy feelings.

Even today feeling restless with the need to be out of the den, she could not make herself go far. She'd caught a hare within sight of the den and immediately returned to curl up outside the entrance, the untouched hare beside her as she laid her head on her paws and stared out over the rolling hills. Blinking, eyes unfocused and half asleep despite her seeming to be watching the horizon.

Cascade's "baby daddy" (Valentine) and her children (Angelus, Seraphim, Evangeline, and Chaos) are allowed in any of her threads, regardless of whether or not they are marked private. Because they are all special rays of sunshine.

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