
Self Destruct Personality



6 Years
Dragon Mod
09-29-2015, 02:51 PM
Quick she was to match him in near perfect movements. He would fail to topple her over as she pivoted to face them almost head on, however, she wasn't entirely quick enough. He tasted blood upon his tongue as his fangs sliced through her lower right side, not quite entirely what he wanted but it would do for the moment. He hissed through his teeth as his paw missed it's mark, but he would quickly bring it back to the ground and beneath him to bring him back to full balance. A bruise would also well moderately where his initial attack with his right shoulder had connected with her body.

Aware of the fighting around them from the other four participants, one could never be too careful. Sin ensured his defenses were held up, there was no room for folly in protecting yourself during times like this. Ears plastered to his skull, hackles on end as his eyes remained narrowed to slits. Tail tucked beneath his body to protect the oh so valuable parts beneath, chin tucked over his vulnerable throat as shoulders rolled forward to bunch his scruff around the back of his neck with fur and fat. His center of gravity was lowered, toes splayed and claws biting the earth for traction. Head lowered to align with his spine and his knees bent to further place him closer to the ground.

Birna came charging, and he would be as ready as he possibly could be. Bracing for impact, he sought to swing his front half towards his left away from her, while hips moved towards his right (his right, her left) seeking to bring the pair parallel to one another. His right side on her left side, and he would use her momentum to aid in this endeavor much like a car slamming into the frontal half of another and causing it to nearly spin out of control. Except her body would stop him from spinning out of control. As she slammed into him, she would not strike where she wished but instead, struck the solid bone part of his right shoulder, severe bruising would be the result of impact but it would not deter the man. Her attempt at lancing her shoulder tip into his throat would be somewhat unsuccessful, instead it would spike the side of his neck, however, with his lowered position, it would be no more then an annoyance as it left a light bruise upon rolled layers of fat.

With him being smaller then the giantess, he would use his smaller stature to his advantage to the best of his ability. And then it was as he saw through narrowed eyes her jaws swinging towards him, Sin was ready. Lips peeled back, he swung his jaws towards hers in an attempt to grasp the top of her jaw in his teeth (lower canines beneath the roof of her mouth, upper canines on the bridge of her muzzle) and bite with all the pressure he could muster in an attempt to make her submit and curtail her aim to cripple him [counter]. He would then feel her weight shift slightly as her paw aimed to unbalance him, but it would be a wasted endeavor as he once again, lifted his right forepaw and aimed to slam it down upon her snaking paw to pin it and potentially bruise or mildly fracture her toes.

Sin, Amachi, calypso VS birna, Cascade, mercy for Spar

Round 2/2

OOC//sorry for the shitty phone posts and sorry if it's confusing T^T