
Stars and Storms



9 Years
09-29-2015, 03:01 PM
Arcus had a very different dillema on his plate. He hadn't left Donostrea because he was "finding himself" but rather because he had grown to hate a big portion of his family. Astrea never fit on that list, maybe because she was so innocent in his eyes. His little sister, girl with her head in the stars. She wouldn't know his anger or his strife, her element was always gentle, always whistful. The granters of dreams and the guiders of lost souls. She was lucky, even if she felt like her paws were far too heavy for this earth. He would succumb to his storms one day, he would lose every light there was in him and turn into something savage and terrible. But, unlike many heros in fairytales, Arcus didn't leave Dono to protect his family, no. He didn't much care anymore.

While he hadn't joined Astrea from the start, he did join her soon after. He had had some things to tie up, and a question to ask before he could join Astrea on her journey. Every day he missed Shaye more and more, but Pest sure kept him occupied. He'd send little messages across the territories with his bird, hoping but not quite trusting that they were making it all the way there. It was this that he was doing now, laying on his belly under the growing storm. He whispered words to his bird before nudging him off his shoulder and into the raging sky to send a message to Shaye. He really wasn't very...nice to his bird, was he?

With a gentle sigh he'd recline then, ears swivelling this way and that as he laid beneath the sky, before his sister's soft voice hit his senses. Slate blue eyes would open slowly, tilting towards her. She always had this grand air of sadness lately, and he wondered if perhaps she was looking for the wrong thing. Could one really be "lost" if they willingly left what made them found? The Elementas was a close breed, they lived and thrived off one another, or in Arcus' case, raged. While he didn't want to be around them any more, the mere thought of his siblings brought out the storms in him. He knew it was the same in different ways for Voltage and Glacier, their lives depended on their siblings, even if Arcus didn't much agree with them on a lot of things. He had to give them that, they lived for their siblings. Astrea, too. Family is what grounded her, he believed. And if she just interacted more with them she might find herself in their faces. Might. But Arcus didn't have a leg to stand on, he couldn't argue with her.

After all, he had run away, in a way.

With a small twitch of his lips, he'd watch her and her bird and he absently wondered where Pest was about now, how far he had gone. "Did the rat with wings find me somethin' to eat?" He asked with a chuckle, eying the bird. Arcus didn't much care for....pets, but his feelings towards her bespeckled friend was nothing but indifference. He'd never treat her companion the way he treated Pest, but that didn't matter anyways. "So, Little miss star, how do you feel about this pilgramage?" He asked softly, laying his head on his paws as he watched her.

"Burn Baby Burn"