
Stars and Storms



5 Years
09-29-2015, 08:59 PM

Astrea smiled as Zori continued to chirp at her, cheerfully telling Astrea all about the hunting her and Pest did this twilight. That stopped the girls thoughts a little, turning from herself and her bird to her brother. He seemed a little more adhesive about this whole adventure. But it was not tha worried her about him. He was more moody, more... Well more angry. The only time she ever saw him be remotely somewhat happy was when he was talking to his bird before the little blue thing flew away not to be seen for a few days or more. Which kinda confused Astrea, Arcus did not even act like her liked the bird. Showing his dislike for the thing with cutting remarks and even the birds name screamed hate. But even so he kept Pest with us...

She shrugged, it was the birds prerogative to stay with Arcus, and Arcus's to deal with the feathery companion. And that is how Astrea thought of the birds, not as servants or pets but as friends, someone to keep you company; to be there when you needed someone to talk to. Maybe that was why Arcus whispered to the bird, maybe her older brother did like the bird after all... She made her way to him then getting the end of what he said at his bird. Or maybe not. She blinked and tilted her head at him, her pale eyes trying to figure him out.

Arcus was one of the few of her siblings that she had yet to figure out, he left her wondering what set him off and why he was so ready to leave with her. He was not broken up by their loss, along with half of the other siblings, most seem to be in shock but like him not necessarily broken up about it, and he could not say he left with her because he cared for her safety, because well they really had not gotten close until this journey.

No the only reason he could want to leave was to get away, run from the storms that seem to rage when he was around his other siblings. She smiled, it seemed that the family brought out the worst in him, brought out his most violent storms and his most brooding nature; where it brought out some of the best in her... and much of the bad to be frank.

When Astrea was with family it only seemed to bring out her childish side. And she knew that, her family spoiled her. They told her that she was special, made it seem that she could do no wrong; but that was wrong. She needed to grow up, figure out and accept her faults. So that she could be stronger.

Astrea was pulled from her own brooding when Arcus addressed her. She focused on his relaxed form and tilted her head at him. Well that was a dumb question, not that she was going to tell her brother that. "I don't feel anything about our adventure yet, its not over. You need the whole picture before you can make opinions about things, brother." She sat next to him then, her eyes going from his gray form back to the sky.

"But what I do feel is that I need this. I need to know about the things I am good at, and the things I am bad at... I need to mature, to stop being the baby in our family, to not let my emotions rule me as much... To not have temper tantrums when things do not go the way I would like it to." She gave her brother a lopsided grin. "I know how I was acting and I always told myself that it was okay, and it was not. You all where trying your best to make good of our situation and I was acting like a child..."

Her face grew serious as she watched Arcus's face. "Like you, yeah you are moody and you seem to not get along with our siblings but you have show a strength of character that I have not; you where willing to give Obsidian Beach a chance, you did not lose your head when our parents where found dead. You even went so far to look after me and make sure I did not sprout wings to fly into the sky after the stars." She smiled at her joke, not that she expected Arcus to understand, it was a joke between herself and Volt. "I admire you Arcus, because you understand yourself. So much so that you seem to know that being with the family is not you lot in life... Just know Arcus that we all love you. Voltage, Glacier, and myself care for you greatly and we understand what you must do." She hummed, she had not set off to lecture her brother, but she just could not seem to help herself guild the souls around her even when she was the one that needed guiding in this moment. But everything she told him was true she did admire him, she did love him, and she did wish him luck for whatever endeavor he set off to after they parted ways, and they would, Astrea felt it in her soul that he was not going to return to the pack when she does.