
Lazy Summer Days

Shaye I


8 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantTreat 2019
09-29-2015, 09:24 PM
Typically, little feathers thoughts where we'll ahead of shaye's. She had appeared that morning with a gift and just upon sighting it shaye already knew the perfection of it, and it reminded her of a fundamental element of her life. When she was just a tiny pup wondering the beaches of the southern lands her father and her had found the perfect blue feather. Over a year later, she had found one for Arcus who had a dear title of her best friend. Lillie... Lillie was family, she was like a sister to her and was definitely counted amungst her friends, a close friend, a... best friend?

She picked up the feather her bird had found, gripping it gently between her teeth and looking down at the in ticketed deep greens of its main color, with the dark gold hints at its base. She knew beyond a doubt that it would fit her friend perfectly. Sending little feather out in search of Lillie made it easy to find the other abaven girl and soon she would be approaching her spot where she played on the rapids. Shaye giggled softly, she had been caught a couple times playing such games over the water. "Lillie!" She cried her voice muffled by her delicate grip on the feather.


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