
Better Then Drugs



4 Years
09-29-2015, 10:10 PM

Nightmares pledged Takira, she dreamed of the night that her mother died, that night she was a young thing, barely one year old and she was left on her own, fending for herself. But she was strong, able to survive on her own if she had to. But she didn't have to for long. She met HIM.

Her dream shifted from the night of her mothers death to the day she met that charming male. She had not thought to like him, she really hadn't, she always thought herself a good child, wanting to help those who needed it, loyal to those close to her, but he seemed to bring out her inner darkness. And she liked it! She liked the feeling of taking out her anger on anything that did end up getting her anger. She like that she felt like N had her back if she needed him to. She liked him... She liked him even though she should not have, and she felt that draw to him when she met him, he charmed her... Charmed her with his wicked personality.

She hummed to herself, liking the dream. She thought she smelled him then, and felt like something was probing her side. MOON she hurt! Why did it hurt so much!? She let out a small whine, hoping that whatever was hurting her in her dream would just go away, maybe then she could get a little more sleep. Thinking of sleep, she was tired, oh so tired, but N's scent seemed to call to her, pulling her mind from her mind and brought her to reality.

As Takira's mind slowly processed her pain. And boy was she in pain! Her right side felt like she got trampled by a elk and her right hind leg didn't seem to want to move when she tested it a bit... As she woken up more she started getting back her memory of what happened. STUPID! She had been so stupid, her mother told her to stay away from grizzlies! Said that if one came at her when she was alone she was to just give it what it wanted, not challenge it! What had she been thinking!? Maybe its not what she been thinking but more of what she was feeling. Her life has been a mess since she lost her mother, and it was hard to move on from that major event in her life. The only time she was happy was when she was with N, and they took care of each other. Maybe she had been looking for an out, maybe she didn't want to struggle anymore...

She felt eyes on her as as she processed her state of mind at that moment and instead opened her eyes, which clashed with his. She drew in a sharp breath, her eyes widening. She went to lift herself in a more dignified position when her side protested. She let out a whimper and then growled at herself for looking weak in front of the male she was just mooning over.

She tried to salvage the situation by saying something. "So it was you..." She could not seem to look away from him, for fear that he was only a figment of her imagination. "Where am I?"

[Image: taske_wind_by_wolftaske-d9besws.png]
[Image: Takira%20Qotes_zps33ftvwls.png]