
Better Then Drugs



10 Years
Dragon Mod
09-30-2015, 01:41 AM

Amber gaze lingered on her form for a long while. Strangely, he was afraid to sleep for fear that he might wake to find her body still and cold. What the hell is wrong with me...mother must be rubbing off on me. He huffed as he turned his head to face the wall, grumbling at the thought. Was he getting soft? No...he wasn't. He just..."So it was you..." The familiar voice dragged him from his thoughts. Thank god...he wouldn't have to think about it anymore for the time being.

Piercing amber gaze sought hers, her voice still weak as he processed her words. Did she think his father was him? Hmph. He was much more good looking then his old man! Perhaps it was the loss of blood and her near death experience that got her confused..."Well...actually, it was my father who found you first. You're lucky I showed up in time, otherwise you wouldn't have returned to the land of the living."

He rose a bit, bringing his forepaws to stretch out before him as he stared at her. What on earth was she doing around here? And how the hell had she gotten all those wounds? He hadn't seen her since Winter, perhaps she was one of those migratory wolves...or maybe she found a trace of the bastards they were looking for? He would brush it off for the moment, ear flicking as she asked where she was. "Welcome to Hellstrom." He would say the single phrase with a slight smirk on his face. He didn't want to tell her quite yet what rank his father had given her...but he would try to talk him into changing it. Of course, his father had the terms it wouldn't be easy.

"Listen to me talk," 'and know my thoughts.'


If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!