
Better Then Drugs



4 Years
09-30-2015, 02:35 AM

Did she imagine the relief look on his face? She must have, N did not strike her as a wolf to become attached to another, no matter how attached she seemed to be to him... But before she could ponder that and more he spoke. His father? But she could have sworn that it was N... But then again she was already pretty far gone when she was found... And the male did seem to have a more... Vicious airs about him than N has. Not saying N did now give off a dangerous vibe because he does, but that male seemed more than willing to spill blood. And from what N said he wanted to... Well it seemed Takira owed N her life... Well even if she was inclined to leave him before she was not going to again. If there was one thing her mother taught her it was loyalty.

The ebony girl smiled then, it was ironic, he owed her nothing, if anything she owed him, he helped her in her time of need and what did she do? Left him, thinking to never see him again, and not only did they meet again but he saved her life in the process. Takira was not the biggest believer in fate but it seemed it wanted to invest into her life. Takira almost scuffed at herself; here she was acting like a pup, thinking about a white knight riding in to save her skin...

She mentally shook her head and focused as N answered her question. "Hellstorm? Well now that I think about it, you... your father said something about that... Is that a pack?" Takira lifted her head slightly off the ground and took a whiff. A mixture of scents reached her nose. Strongest was N's, but there was a heavy mixture of many individuals, most family it seem, with the over baring scent was that male that she thought was N, his father. Now that she had more of her wits about her Takira now could tell that the male scent was not N's but they where obviously father and son. "No, don't answer that I can already tell."

The ebony girl yawned, her eyes tearing up, but she was determined to stay up to enjoy N's company. And besides she did not think she was going to fall asleep anytime soon with the killing pain in her side... Speaking of her side she lifted her head again and eyed the worst of the damage. It was covered in leaves and spiders web. She tilted her head and then looked back at N. "Your a healer?" She did not mean to sound shocked or anything but it was a bit shocking, he did not strike her as the healing type. She smiled, he seemed to hold a lot of hidden depth to his character... Was it wrong to say she was pleased by that? She dropped her head as she looked at him, call her crazy but in her weakened state he was even more handsome then she remembered.

[Image: taske_wind_by_wolftaske-d9besws.png]
[Image: Takira%20Qotes_zps33ftvwls.png]