
Better Then Drugs



10 Years
Dragon Mod
09-30-2015, 03:05 AM

She seemed to be getting a better grip on her surroundings as the minutes ticked by. That was good at least, but it would be a while longer before she would fully recover. Or so he thought anyway. He had yet to properly splint and bind her leg, but he wasn't too sure on how to do that quite yet. He didn't want to accidentally do it in a way that it healed wrong and she end up with a noticeable deformity. It was something he would find out soon, however. Perhaps that whiny Alphess from Sonticus could help...Unless he came across someone else on the way. Or he could just ask his mother, but he didn't want her questioning him...

Her question about Hellstrom would bring his attention back, amber gaze looking steadily at her. But before he could answer, it would seem she'd come to the conclusion on her own. The least he could do was tack on how it had come to be. "My father challenged another pack. It fell, we rose. It's still a new pack, so there's not too many capable members...mostly pups." He said the last part sounding a little disgusted. He was referring to his younger siblings and half siblings. Granted, neither Paradox nor Forsaken were pleased about them either.

He watched as she yawned, his eyes never leaving her as she inspected her body. A brow rose as she quickly turned to him, surprise in her voice as she asked if he was a healer. Shrugging, he breathed as he debated what to say. No, he wasn't a healer. Yes, he did know a few things. Perhaps the truth would help here so she wouldn't think that he was some miracle worker. "I learned a few things from my mother. I'm not a healer though. A few basic things, like what to use for open wounds to keep out infection and what to use to bind them. Your leg, however, I've yet to work on. So try not to move it." A smile flashed at her, "Pretty much a few useful things in case I got myself into a jam and needed a quick fix."

That explained his lack of knowledge on how to fix her leg. But more then that, he wanted to wait for her to wake up so she could tell him how bad the pain was and what she couldn't move. The leg itself he could tell it was broken with how bad the wound was, but he didn't want to take any chances with splinting the wrong area. "If you're in a lot of pain, I can go get some pain killers." Speaking of which. He reached forward suddenly, nose pressing against her paw pad to see if she was growing a fever, though he couldn't tell exactly. "Are you feeling feverish? Cold?" He looked at her as he waited for her to respond. God he felt stupid...acting like he cared...maybe some part of him did...and if his siblings found out, they'd probably laugh at him.

"Listen to me talk," 'and know my thoughts.'


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