
Better Then Drugs



4 Years
09-30-2015, 04:01 AM

Takira's eyes dropped, as he went into the history of the Hellians, hah hellians, yeah she was going to keep that to herself. He spoke with pride when he talked of his father, which if great, winning a pack was always a proud occasion but his voice seemed to go flat when he spoke of the young of the pack, something was there that he was not saying but she was in no way shape or form capable of mentally working out the problem he would have with them, the young was the future after all.

When he went on she let it drop from her mind, she would revisit that later if she remembered. Takira focused on his words keeping her mind awake, he talked of his minimal knowledge, albeit more than she knew, about healing. "Ah, your mother must be skilled." As he went on telling her that he did not have the knowledge to fix her leg she frown down at it."Yeah I really messed it up when I ran away from the bear, I don't think it was broken then but running on it did not help the situation." She blinked as he went on about her pain. "I am in pain but nothing I cannot handle, pain and I are not strangers. She tried to moved herself to release a slight cramp and winced as it stretched the gashes in her side. "Well as long as I do not moved for a few days." She tried to put a joking tone in her voice but was not sure how successful she was at it.

Takira did no sooner say when N moved then, pressing his nose to her front paw. She resisted the urge to pull her paw away in shock. her belly seemed to do a flop. Why was she such a girl around him? She did not understand, her mother never told her anything what to expect with the male kind, but what she did know was that she was not reacting like she would with a normal friend no matter how close they where... "N... No, I am fine, well other then the whole gash in the side thing."

The ebony girl tried to relax again. Trying to find comfort in being safe at least as safe as she could be in unknown territory and she was at that, she had never spent any time in a pack before, even as a guest... wait... N's father did not seem the type to let others stay in his home no matted how hurt they where... What had she gotten herself into? "N, why am I still in you pack's territory? You father did not strike me as a wolf to help those in need..." Only one thing seemed to come to mind of why she would be allowed to stay, even after she was granted her life... Did his father want something from her? Takira could not help but think the worst. She grew cold at the mere thought, colder then any fever could make her.

Today did not seem to be her day...

[Image: taske_wind_by_wolftaske-d9besws.png]
[Image: Takira%20Qotes_zps33ftvwls.png]