
Across the Water



13+ Years

Treat 2019
10-01-2015, 06:46 PM

Her body was, much too slowly in her opinion, returning to normal after the birth. Her teats were still obviously swollen, but her stomch (at lest behind her giant milk sacs) was regaining its leanness. She didn't feel as sore anymore, and soon she'd be thinking about taking Rhyme and Rhys from the den. Their eyes were just opening in the last few days and they were beginning to focus on the world around them. Both had startling bright eyes, Rhys from her father and Rhyme's like a brighter version of her own. She couldn't even describe their beauty, Rhythm was completely in love with the pair of them.

She didn't often leave them, especially because they fed so often, but as they grew the intervals between meals would grow greater. She was sleeping better (but not great yet) and they were okay on their own for longer. Rhythm wouldn't even consider leaving the Knolls, but she did have to take a walk to get a drink. Her current mission was that. Stretching as she emerged from the entrance of the den the slender chocolate woman would find her way towards the large pool that lingered a couple of hills away. Her pace was steady but her hesitation was obvious. It was hard to keep walking away from her newborns. The bond that tied her to them was incredibly strong, her need to protect them more vigorous than that of her own life. They quickly took over her whole world, and she didn't have a complaint in the world.

Rhythm was just happy to have them, for the first few days she hadn't even been sure they'd make it past their first week and here they were nearing the day they were weaned. The little smile that lingered on her features could not be removed, even as she leaned over the water to take her sip. Her heart was happy with the state of her little family, and life was good.

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