
Out for Revenge



3 Years
Extra large
10-01-2015, 09:34 PM
There was obviously no need for words as Esti skipped the greeting all together and right to the making out. Not that the pale Destruction was going to complain, however bad he was going to feel when she started sniffling. He'd need to give her.. oh what herb was it that boosted immunity? Not that his brain was working properly at the moment anyway, he was much too caught up in the girl wrapped up around him. Regretfully she'd release him, and she slid down to his chin his red tinted eyes would slide open to slits as he looked down at her mischievous features. "Hmm- where have you been?" She'd make a trail over his jawline, her teeth at his hot skin causing shivers to ripple over the fur. What did she think she was doing? "Here. Trying not to get everyone sick." He'd manage to mumble as he focused on her teasing touch.

He'd allow her to do what she wished to him, resisting not as she pulled him close and ran down his neck. He'd breath in deeply as he tried to keep himself in check, he couldn't resist returning a few eager nibbles to the back of her ears. Her news of his cousin was sudden, and he'd find himself almost pouting as she ceased her administrations. "Oh, um. That's... nice." He certainly wasn't about to go rushing from the den to go and meet them. Once he was feeling better maybe, he'd feel bad if he got any babies sick especially. "Not exactly where I thought the conversation was going though." He'd lower his head to nibble suggestively at her cheeks in emphasis to his point.
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