
Better Then Drugs



10 Years
Dragon Mod
10-02-2015, 12:04 AM

A bear? So that's where she got the wounds from...he was surprised that she had survived, if she hadn't fallen here then she probably would have fallen dead somewhere else. Or killed by someone else...his mind briefly wandered to his father. If it were anyone else, Enigma probably would have helped out. But when he realized who it was, he couldn't let it happen. He mentally kicked himself, not understanding why. He nodded his responses as she told him what had happened...well. Somewhat. She didn't say why she was running from a bear, but that was a matter for some other time.

After he had touched her paw pad, her nervousness seemed to fly off of her. Raising a brow, he smirked as she explained that she was fine. He pulled away then, moving to sit up as he looked her over. He wasn't entirely sure why he was so...concerned...the boy unknown to the concept of love and crushes. That was something more along his mother's line. He was oblivious to the fact now, so he'd push it away for the time being. "You're other wounds should heal fine, not sure about scarring but...scars are never a bad thing." He winked at her, a mischievous look in his eye as he teased her.

And then...there it was. The question. He looked at her for a moment as he thought how to answer. He wasn't really one for sugar coating things, and she'd find put sooner or later...he knew she wouldn't like the answer, but he would make sure nothing bad happened to her. "About that..." He gazed at her calmly, tail wrapping around his feet as he continued. "My father is...strange, like all of us. He let you stay, but you're now a slave of Hellstrom. My job is to make you better, and you're to prove  that you're...not useless. I plan to talk to my father, request that you be my personal slave...proprietas." He hoped she understood where he was going with this, it wasn't easy swaying his father's mind once it was made up, but Enigma had a good tongue on him. "If you're my Proprietas, you'll be safe from being harmed by anyone else in the pack. I hope you understand."

"Listen to me talk," 'and know my thoughts.'


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