
Better Then Drugs



4 Years
10-02-2015, 04:22 AM (This post was last modified: 10-02-2015, 04:24 AM by Takira.)

Takira was glad that he did not comment on the bear, she really was not ready to admit how much she messed up. Like big time, if she did not take care or get help with the leg she may have a bad limp. Here is hoping that it was nothing that could not be fixed with time. She had to smile when he talked about scares, well she was never a vain wolf, she never could afford to be, not with the inherited scares across her eyes; her mothers last gift to her. "I don't think a few more scares are going to make me weep, no worries about that." She resisted reaching up with her paw and touching her left eye, every time she thought about them she thought about her mother, they reminded her of the soft spoken woman. What would these new scares make her think of every time she saw them? A moment in her life where she was stupid or of N? Hoe he looked after her and saved her... She hoped it was the latter, but that would only be told with time.

But as the conversation changed she saw him tense, visibly. She grew colder at the thought, they where joking a moment before; only something bad could change the playful nature they had seemed to fall into after meeting again... Takira watched as N seemed to mull over something before he started talking. He started by telling her a little about the man who oozed violence, telling her that he was strange. Well yes, she figured that was the case. Their is no normal in the world, and if you claimed to be, you lied. So that was not that shocking to hear N tell her so... but she did not have much time to tell him so when he dropped a bomb on her.

She was a WHAT! Her eyes sharpened on the male in front of her, the very male that she was just bantering with, the very male that confused her and made her think and feel the most confusing things. But truthfully he was not the one that she was angry at. No she was not the type to blame others for things that happen because of her stupidity. No she claimed her mistakes and lived with the consequences, she had just hoped that her consequences stopped at a broken leg and a mauled side...

Takira took a deep breath as she sorted though the wave of information he flooded her with. Prove her worth? Well she was a good hunter, she was also very strong. She may have never have had to fight in her life, but she could be trained, and frankly she been meaning to. If she had she may not be in this mess... "I am a good hunter... But I am not against learning to be a warrior, that is if my leg heals right..."

She felt deflated after her initial flash of rage. She was tired, both emotionally and physically. And when he went on to tell her that he planed to make her is personal slave, well she wasn't ecstatic at the prospect but frankly she was more accepting of the situation if someone she trusted had her back in this unfortunate part of her life. She sighed, she had not had the best year that was for sure, but she could make the best of this situation. After all she had her life and she did have some skills to bring to a pack... "I understand, I made the mistake of getting in the way of something three times my size and I'm willing to deal with the consequences."

She did manege a small smile at him, he seemed to worry about her response and that is not shocking. If she had not been so understanding she may have felt hurt that he had contributed in making her a... Slave... Yeah that was a thought that she was going to have to get used to. "I trust you N. I do not blame my friends for things I do to myself." She locked eyes with him, they where pleading something she would not voice. Pleading for him to keep her safe, to not let anyone abuse her. She had unknowingly placed her life in his paws, she just hoped that her trust was not misplaced in him... Moons what had she gotten herself into?

[Image: taske_wind_by_wolftaske-d9besws.png]
[Image: Takira%20Qotes_zps33ftvwls.png]