
Across the Water



7 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze Participant
10-02-2015, 11:29 AM

She'd roped Vana into watching Chaos again today, which was less than ideal because he was sick and cranky and demanding, but he had been sick and cranky and demanding for two days now and she really needed to have a moment to herself, even if it was just long enough to get a drink of water and maybe get in a quick hunt.

She immediately considered turning around and returning to the den, though, she she grumped up to the pool only to find Rhythm there already serenely lapping away at the water. Really? Really? Of course, she should have thought before about how her relatively close proximity to Valen's den when Imperium had first been created would mean a relatively close proximity to Rhythm since he'd given her his den, but it hadn't really come up before. It was a lot easier to not care when she wasn't exhausted, irritable, and really, really wanting to bite something - and she hardly thought their alpha would approve if she took a snap at Rhythm.

But it was hardly Rhythm's fault that Cascade had gotten pregnant, and besides that it was her job as Et Uxor to be keeping track of Valen's consocia and any pups. She certainly hadn't been doing a very good job of it, since she hadn't been there when Rhythm gave birth or even gone to check in on the new batch of midgets in the weeks since then. So instead of turning and leaving, after a long moment of standing across the pool staring in Rhythm's direction she gave an irritable sigh, forced a very crooked halfsmile, and trudged around to where Rhythm was drinking.

"Rhythm," she greeted casually, leaning forward to drink greedily of the clear water. Ah that felt good. Chaos was back at the den probably whining at Vana and vomiting everywhere, but she put that thought aside for now - Vana was to be a healer and could take care of it. She just desperately, desperately needed this break and this water and would deal with Rhythm... and then Chaos... after she finished enjoying it.

"Talk" "You" Think
Cascade's "baby daddy" (Valentine) and her children (Angelus, Seraphim, Evangeline, and Chaos) are allowed in any of her threads, regardless of whether or not they are marked private. Because they are all special rays of sunshine.

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