
They Called It Chaos


10-02-2015, 02:01 PM

Bernadette would listen to his answers, finding a smile dancing on her lips. “You have good answers, Hárekr.” The woman would compliment softly. The place looked neat in her bi-colored eyes as well. It was curious, odd scents filling her nares in the darkness. “It it is not too bold to say I think you’re a rather interesting being.” The woman would step closer to one of the walls, brushing her tail up against it experimentally. So curious this place was.

Hearing the male speak again the woman would turn her gaze and pad to where he had been moments before. The smacking sound was one that made her wince but chuckle slightly. “Alright, me next!” She would more carelessly throw herself onto the slope, rolling onto her side as she rolled down at a rapid pace, giggling like a child as she did so until she too hit a rockface.

It would jar her, but the moment she started to recover Bernadette would burst out in laughter. “Oh hello there~” She was having fun and hoped that the other was as well. “Your move, oh fearless leader~” Her words teased.