
Tears Of An Angel



8 Years
10-02-2015, 02:38 PM (This post was last modified: 10-03-2015, 09:16 AM by Nalyda.)
The woman was weak and malnourished. Every single attempt to try and keep food down was a complete failure, and with the pups on their way any minute, Nalyda was scared and worried for them. She loved her children deeply and wished not to see any of them hurt or scared. For whenever they were frightened or ill, Nalyda would stop whatever she was doing and tend to her family. Though Mystic had decided to stay, she was not sure if any of her other pups would be around to make it to her death. She knew it would be this day that she would be gone and leaving their lives. Tears rolled down her eyes; scared about her family, as well as for Kar. She knew he loved her, and would probably be an emotional wreck once she had passed onto the other world. The sense of dread coming over her frail body, but, continued to try and push the little lives out of her body and into the world.

The pain was excruciating and unbearable. Since she was old and weak, she felt like she couldn't do anything to help her family at this state. She howled for her family to be by her side, her voice echoing throughout the land as it seemed the wind carried her howl outward for many miles. She was pleading to Siri to bring her entire family, so she could see them all one last time and hear their sweet, tender voices. Though it would be a sad time for them all, she knew she would be there for them, no matter what the situation may be. She may not be with them in body, but in spirit will she try to mend her broken family.

"Damn....pain..." she would whimper and looked to her stomach, wincing as she placed her cranium back down on the stone floor, a single tear rolling off her cheek as she continued to push as best she could in her weakened state.