
Get your heal on [Heal training]


10-02-2015, 04:09 PM

The young man was late, not exactly something common for the energetic little brute. Shrike would breathe in, coming to the meeting with his ears perked slightly. His ankle was doing a lot better, thanks to Starling’s care. He had hung back from going all out at the hunt. But he was here at least, where he should be. He’d rather learn from no one else, save for maybe his aunt Harmony now that she was back, about herbs.

Sitting down Shrike would give a quiet nod towards his brother. He tried to smile, try to seem like he was happy, but the young man was missing Allen. It wasn’t the same going to training under Lillie instead of the older man. But Shrike would do his best to grin and bear it.

“So, learning time hm?” He asked, putting on a smile. He was glad to see that Sparrow was there as well. If only Finch was too. Lark would be a nice surprise to have here, but Shrike had his doubts his other brother would show. Was this about it then?


Table by:: Eldarwen