



7 Years

10-02-2015, 05:00 PM (This post was last modified: 10-03-2015, 07:14 PM by Lillianna.)
It wouldn't take long for the fox to show up, not long at all, and it honestly impressed the gison. A fox understanding her calls was not an every day occurrence; most species did not understand - even canines - the song of the wolf. The fact that this one did was note-worthy, and she did indeed notice and note it. She dipped her head in a return greeting, but said nothing as of yet.

It would not take much longer for Finch to arrive, and the girl did... with a bird on her head. Blinking,  a mere moment of time, would have Finch cowering behind her. She felt a small wait land n her head, a weight that made her ears flatten with the unfamiliarity. She resisted shaking her head, instead focusing on the little thing's words as she turned from Dart to face Finch. She would nuzzle the larger girl, her head curling protectively over the girl. "It's okay, I'm here. You are in the right place, too, don't be afraid, love, Dart won't hurt," she soothed, the words murmured in Finch's ear. It was only then that she paid attention to the bird, a gentle smile on her face. "Yes, I am Lillie. And yes, I gave her the necklace." Here the girl would nuzzle said necklace, before turning to Dart. "Dart, come here," she beckoned with her muzzle for the male to take a few steps forward. "I am Lillianna, a gison here. You and Finch will be working together to rank up to a Gison, and you will do so successfully." Her voice was steady and confident, but low and soft; the loudness would only scare Finch. "Both of you here are here for a reason, and that's because the pera rank fits you best, as it did me. You belong in this rank, and as a result, I asked Bass to hold a training." A sigh would escape her. "With Allen gone, there has to be some sort of training. I'm not head messenger, though; I'm just a Gison but... I asked Bass anyways. I do have something planned if you are okay with that?" What began strong ended faltering;  she was afraid of overstepping her bounds but she had to do something... and that she'd do it. She wasn't quite sure why she added all the stuff before it; it just sort of... came out. Seemed like the right thing to say at the time. She felt a bit silly about it now - especially with both the peras being older than her - but... eh, too late now.

It was only then she noticed Shrike, and her eyes would widen. Crap, not just messengers heard that. A sheepish grin would cross her face as she nodded to Shrike, eyes glittering. Hopefully, the presence of her brother would make Finch feel more reassured.

OOC. Next round due by Oct 9, buuuut I'd love you all if it'd go faster than that! <3 <3

"Speech" "Language"
Note: Lillie has scars over her right eye and down her cheek. She also has scars under her chin and on her jaw. Her tables and art will most likely not reflect this. Unless it is specified otherwise, assume Lillianna is accompanied by her companion.