
Touched by your Electric Love



6 Years
Extra large

10-02-2015, 06:23 PM

Rhys was scheming. She wanted to go outside. The moment the idea had popped into her head it had become the only thing she could think about. Mommy went outside all the time and Daddy was hardly ever inside, so whatever was out there had to be good. She desperately wanted to see what kept them outside so much.

Peeping over her mother's tail, Rhys' gaze darted between the entrance and Rhythm's face. Was her mother still sleeping? She couldn't tell, only the side of her face was visible. Maybe if she was really, really quiet she could sneak outside for a little bit, maybe even find Daddy and see what he did when he was outside. Yes. That was a good plan. She could be quiet and she had no doubt that she wouldn't be able to find her Daddy.

Moving excruciatingly slow, Rhys stood up and then peeked over at her mom again, this time craning her neck in the hopes that she could see Rhythm's face. Shifting her weight, the pup then lifted a foot and gently placed it on the ground on the other side of her mother's tail. She then froze, unknowingly holding her breath as she waited to see if her little test gave her away. Still holding her breath Rhys then tiptoed over the furry barrier that separated her from freedom. Once all four paws were in the clear she almost squealed in excitement and barely managed to contain the giddy sound that desperately wanted to break free. She was so close!

Slinking towards the entrance, Rhys was almost there when she froze and spun around to stare balefully at her brother. She'd almost left him behind! That certainly wouldn't do! Crestfallen, she stared at his closed eyes and willed them to open. When they didn't her gaze darted between him and the entrance before she finally crept back towards Rhyme. Reaching - so, so carefully - over her mother's tail, Rhys aimed to poke her brother's nose with a foot. "Whymey," she whispered not so quietly, "Whymey wake up."
