
Better Then Drugs



10 Years
Dragon Mod
10-02-2015, 08:11 PM (This post was last modified: 10-02-2015, 09:45 PM by Nyx.)

Her expression had been expected. The woman looked shocked, mortified, angry even, with what he'd told her. Then it changed to sad and weary. He made no motion, only kept his blank stare so she couldn't read what he was thinking. He would ask his father, then again he also realized that he and his siblings had the power to do it too, didn't need permission to take a slave of their own. But still, he knew his father would grow curious about her. "If it helps, I'm willing to help you train. Hellstrom is a place for opportunity, your efforts won't go unnoticed if you try hard." That much was true, and lately he'd been seeing nobody try at all. He figured his father would have something to say about it soon.

His ears perked slightly, three times her size? He couldn't help but smirk a little. It sounded like she'd gotten herself into the same kind of trouble he himself could get into. And would do it without a second thought at that. "Remember, it's only temporary. Once you are better I can change your rank whenever I wish. For now, it's best to lie low so he doesn't hurt you for not doing anything while holding a different rank." Eyes flashed with a hint of humor and something else, perhaps a cold glee..."He already has something in store for everyone else. Nobody has been doing anything since the pack rose, and he's not pleased."

The look in his eyes would be quickly replaced, however, as she looked at him oddly. Then...she said she trusted him. That shocked him to a certain degree. Nobody trusted him...and if they did, it was usually because he tricked them into thinking they could. " me?" His words were mildly shocked, but...when she gave him a certain look, she didn't need to say anymore. "Don't worry, you're safe...with me, at least." Even if paradox or forsaken came to do something, they'd get a nice surprise.

"Listen to me talk," 'and know my thoughts.'


If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!