
Better Then Drugs



4 Years
10-02-2015, 09:39 PM

Takira did not look away from his face as he told her that she would not be a slave forever, well yeah. Like hell was she going to submit to being a slave longer than necessary. She just had to show his father that she was worth the food they give her... But first she needed to get better, and fast. Her dignity demanded nothing less. A determined look crossed her face as a devious grin spread her maw. Yes she would show the old fiend who he enslaved... All of a sudden things clicked into place, a planed formed and her emotions went from an all-time low to almost excitement, she wanted to see his face when she proved to be one of the most productive member of his pack.

But first her leg, their was that problem. A problem that could stop all her fantasies about grander. But before she could bring up her very hurt appendage she was called out of her mind by his voice again. A look of shock filled his eyes. He seemed to look to look at her like she spawned in a new head and spewed fire into his face... Did no one willingly ever tell this male that he has their trust? Which is absurd, he was strong, dependable... And quite... Well charming. She had a feeling he would talk his way outta any situation without even lifting a paw.Yeah Takira was going to keep that to herself, she was not that susceptible to others charm but N did not seem to fall into the same category as anyone else she meet to this point. He seemed to be something completely different and the rules that others fallowed did not apply to him.

She smiled at him, her face seeming to light up when he basically told her that he would protect her, something she thought she would never hear. She knew how she looked, she was a large girl with a strong look; the scars on her face made her look imposing. So this was new, and it added a new depth to what she felt for this dangerous male... At least dangerous to everyone but her. But she didn't want to have to be protected, she wanted to be his partner, and that brought her back to her leg, it need to be fixed first.

"The only way for me to prove myself is to get on my paws as quick as I can, and to do that I need to see a healer to fix my leg. Do you know any healers we can trust? Someone who won't take advantage of the situation?" Takira could feel it in her bones that if the rest of found out about her something bad was going to happen. A wolf did not name a pack Hellstorm for nothing after all.

[Image: taske_wind_by_wolftaske-d9besws.png]
[Image: Takira%20Qotes_zps33ftvwls.png]