
Do I know this Place? [Arcane/re-joining]



04-13-2013, 01:48 AM

Her sister's low warning had been ignored, yet she couldn't help but find some solace in Crusade's frame pressing against her own. She'd lost her own family due to tragic experiences, yet she always knew she had her siblings to help her through it all. It made things just a bit more bearable, not much, but enough to get her through her losses. It was hardly living though. She missed her children more than anything and she knew Crusade understood the pain. Animi had been her own child, and the monster Xylinthian had decapitated her. It was a cruel way to go and her sister had been scarred by her death. She certainly knew Crusade felt every bit of her pain that she did.

A darkened head raised up towards her and his voice was filled with despair as he tried to look into her own cerulean gaze. She didn't give him the satisfaction of doing so. She couldn't look him in the eyes. The girl looked shamefully away, breaking the eye contact he so desperately wanted. She couldn't meet eyes with him. It would break any last part of her that was sane. She hadn't expected any of it, nor wanted it. She wasn't happy living in her silence, but at least she'd been making maybe a little bit of progress towards getting better, at least for the sake of her siblings and for the betterment of the pack. She had to pull her own weight, she eventually needed to get back to doing that.

It seemed as though he'd stopped crying. Her own tears had begun to dry on her face as she came to a cold unfeeling towards the whole situation. It was her way of dealing with the whole situation without breaking down completely. His words shocked her very core, but her visage remained unreadable as she refused to meet his gaze.

Did she wish death upon the male? Should he have died after he'd killed Garnet? Surely he should have, but it was beyond her to wish such a horrible fate upon anyone. He'd survived for a reason. Perhaps it was so he could start anew. Or perhaps it was so he could wind up here and suffer from knowing the crimes he had committed, but never actually remembered doing. Regardless, she couldn't end his life. It wasn't her job, nor could she kill a man she had once loved. He was almost defenseless now, and it would be pointless. He was old, just as her sister was, and he couldn't have much life left in him. She would leave him in peace.

"I have no right to sentence you to such a fate. It's Death's job to claim your soul, not mine. It would hardly make up for the things you've done."

"And I don't hate you."

She couldn't bring herself to say the words, so she stayed silent. She truly didn't hate him, she reacted the way she had simply because she could no longer contain the pain she'd welled up inside. She couldn't keep it to herself any longer. Her grieving process was far from over, but things always got worse before they got better.
