



13+ Years

Easter 2022Toys for Tots
10-03-2015, 11:24 PM (This post was last modified: 10-04-2015, 08:53 PM by Tealah.)

Name: Leto

Gender: Female

Height/Weight: 29"/sturdy


To see the way she acted, no one would guess Leto was so small in comparison to much of her family. She is completely confident in herself and her own abilities. Self doubt? Hesitation? None! She knows what she is capable of and what she isn't, and will make decisions with complete confidence in that knowledge - though as a young pup she may in fact be far, far overestimating those abilities. Before she gains more experience, there are no limits for her, no mountains she can't climb and nothing she can't do. She is absolutely determined (one might even say stubborn!) and once she sets her mind to doing (or not doing!) something it can be quite hard to shift her. She's bright and upbeat, rarely indulging in gloomy or morose emotions, and she can be pretty easy to get along with for the most part. She enjoys play, and would be the first to suggest a game of tag or a play fight or chase the stick or catch the fireflies or tackle Daddy. She is a little fireball though, and her anger can burn white hot before it burns itself out. For the most part she holds herself to sass and insults - occasionally at the top of her young lungs - but when she's really riled she might come out swinging first and ask questions later. Once her anger has run its course (like a raging wildfire, it might burn hot but it tends to run out of fuel quickly) she rarely holds grudges, however if someone she cares about is hurt it tends to really stick with her.

Other than what affects her family she can be pretty indifferent to social norms, rules, regulations, and even tact. Most of the time she can often be bluntly, painfully honest, because she doesn't see the point in wasting time with being tactful. What exactly does it gain her? A headache and a lot of frustration is what it gets her! She's not really flighty, she is actually a very grounded person who thinks very much in the here-and-now rather than dwelling on the past or planning far into the future, but she simply isn't interested in questions of morality and niceties. It's a distraction and she has much too much to do! It doesn't bother her in the least to lie if she has to in order to get shit done, or manipulate a situation or even hurt someone if she really needs to. She doesn't want to do bad things or hurt people, and she wouldn't go out of her way to do so if she didn't need to, because she doesn't enjoy doing bad things but whenever she does do them it's because in her mind she's completely in the right and if you try to explain otherwise she'll think you're the strange one. She's just getting things done after all, and why don't other people see that?

Her code right now is a simple one: take care of your family and yourself by any means necessary. But... don't be too mean. Just a little mean. Like... it's ok to push down that other puppy if you're trying to get your sister the stick she wanted but it's not really cool to push them down just because you want to.

Plans: My plans for her at this age are pretty vague. Mostly to spend most of her time following her parents and sibling and the other Diamachi around bugging them, playing, and being a nuisance. She will more than likely grow up to become a hunter and fighter.