
Summoner's Prayer



9 Years
Dragon Mod
10-04-2015, 12:06 AM

So Alna, as she was called, had come with her brother? Yay! That meant more friends for her and her siblings to play with! Her tail wagged back and forth, maybe not as rapidly to helicopter her into the sky but maybe enough to motor boat across the lake..."Alna is a pretty name! And you're pretty so it fits!" Ah Holly, always the one to compliment someone no matter what. Compliments made others happy, so Alna would be happy right?

Wrong. Had Holly asked something she shouldn't have? Her new friend went from happy to...sad...and Holly would flatten her ears as she listened to Alna cry and tell her that her uncle didn't want them anymore. That was mean! Why was her uncle so mean!? Her heart went out to the girl, causing her to move forward and touch her nose to Alna as she nuzzled her cheek. "I'm sorry! Don't cry, Alna. I'm your friend okay? I'm sure there's a reason and I'm sure he doesn't hate you! Who would hate you? You're too pretty to not love!"

She stepped back a moment, a frown on her face as she thought about what to do. She felt like marching over there and nipping Alna's uncles toes for making her cry and thinking she did something wrong. And maybe she would...but for now...Holly turned around to pick up the Moss, placing it in front of Alna as she nosed her. "Lookie, I prepared especially for you! Fresh water soaked in Moss...or...Moss soaked with fresh water is the best! I think so anyway." She leaned down to lap at it, placing a paw on it to squeeze some of the water out. She giggled then, "It's also fun to watch the water come out and soak back in, I think Moss eats water but I dunno. What do you think?"



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