
You Wear A Crown But You're No King



7 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze Participant
10-04-2015, 09:35 AM
Cascade blatantly rolled her eyes at Sin's words to her, sticking her tongue out in a wry gesture. Really? Really? Was there a real comparison between a reconnaissance in someone else's territory in which no one got hurt, and a pack challenge? But if there was anything she'd picked up on in her dealings with the male it was that he was always right and always had an answer for everything. He was just no fun to play with.

"Hardly," she laughed to Esti. Were you friends with the snake you poked at just for fun? She didn't say so out loud, though. But his claim that he had something planned for Sonticus, now that was interesting. "Oooh?" she asked him slyly, drawing out the syllable. "Of course you'd tease with that. I hope you plan to follow through on it. It is so disappointing when someone chickens out of something you'd been looking forward to." She thought back to Dione, who'd tried to stir up trouble for Imperium then took off when things got a little hot for her. Such a disappointment that siege was.

But the alpha who'd appeared had entirely removed everyone's attention from their little conversations, and she settled back to watch curiously. The female had clearly been nursing pups recently, so Cas was surprised that she'd been the one to appear. Oh well, alphas always had to be ready to defend their packs, pups or no. Still, Cas winced in sympathy when the two pale wolves tangled and the defending alpha immediately fell. Well, there was a cautionary tale for you. If you weren't fighting-fit, pass your pack to someone who was until you got back to that point.

Well that was less fireworks than she'd hoped for. But now she could go back to Imperium and report to Valentine sooner. A shrug, and the dark female stood and trotted away without another word. Let Sin have his time with his family to celebrate their new pack however they happened to celebrate. She had things of her own needing doing back on pack lands.

-exit Cascade-
Cascade's "baby daddy" (Valentine) and her children (Angelus, Seraphim, Evangeline, and Chaos) are allowed in any of her threads, regardless of whether or not they are marked private. Because they are all special rays of sunshine.

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