
Broken Pasts and Broken Hearts


04-13-2013, 02:41 AM

She stood strong, her paws sinking ever so delicately into the snow. She was all lean muscle, powerful, but built for endurance and stamina. A lean, silent creature who thrived only on the commands of others. She did things for herself now, but it was rare. She approached the wolf only out of familiarity. He was a countenance she had not seen in many moons. He had spoken his last goodbyes to her long ago, had abandoned Glaciem for what she knew not, it had not been her place to ask and it would not be now. Her blood colored eyes held no judgment as she gaze upon him, only recognition. She had not expected him to remember her, would not have been surprised if had turned hostile and threatened her. She was forgettable, replaceable, easily swept beneath the rug. She knew this, it was her method of survival and it had worked, at least thus far. Gargoyle continued to break that mold of obedience within her but she was doubtful it would ever leave. Submission, it seemed, was in her blood.

He turned to face her, seemingly startled by her sudden presence, uneasy she took a step back, not wanting him to think she was hostile. A plethora of emotions clouded his gaze and he remained silent for several long moments. She endured it, wondering what he would say in return. Perhaps he would think her mad. Did it matter? She lived to serve, nothing more and nothing less. Ayala... Such a bizarre thing to call her. It rolled off of his tongue in exotic tones, it made her seem more interesting than she actually was...she liked it. She smiled, barely a twitch of her lips in an upward direction, but she smiled all the same. She had never possessed a nickname before.

" I have not been in Glaciem long, after the eruption I wandered on my own for a bit, returning only once I heard Glaciem had reestablished itself." Her words did not hold much emotion. They were soft and gentle, a smooth honey soaked tone that was easy on the ears, but nothing more. "Gargoyle had made it his mission to teach me the ways of freedom, but he has rarely been to see me. Busy with the pack, I understand." They had had a few fleeting conversations, but little else. She would never heal. She was too far gone, or so she thought.

he offered her his kill, and the thought of anyone offering her there kill made her stomach churn and throw in fear. Punishable by death at the hands of torture was taking food from another individual. She could not, would not take his kill from him. her mind would not allow it, it made her physically ill just thinking about it. Her inner turmoil did not show. She shook her head gently. "No thank you, please, indulge."

She cocked her head to the side as his mood took a turn towards somber, almost sad. his words were soft, spoken quietly and she wondered what failures he was referring too, her mind blanked, panicking. She had no idea how to comfort anybody. She had never been shown such a grace and possessed no skills in such a thing. She hesitated, a heartbeat, two and then took a few tentative steps forward. "You returned to your family, to Glaciem. You serve your family loyalty and you have a kind heart... I cannot say I know what love or affection feels like, but if you have returned to your family and those that care for you, you cannot count such a thing as a failure... but as something honorable. Or at least, it tis my understanding" It was probably the longest she had ever spoken and the dame was quick to fall into utter silence. Her heart lurched, she had a feeling she had over stepped her boundaries.
