
Eating Shrimp For Breakfast



5 Years
10-04-2015, 01:37 PM (This post was last modified: 10-04-2015, 01:42 PM by Starling. Edit Reason: Permission from Luns. Forgot the rounds T_T )
Star's smile was his only response to Zell's acceptance of a tour, before it became all business. His eyes would narrow slightly then, watching as the man's body fluidly fell into a stance Star had had to practice time and time again. He analyzed with his quick mind, eyes curving along every line of the man's warrior stance, spotting no weaknesses, before he, too, began his own. His ears would fold back as his head lowered to protect the vital underbit of his throat. He'd shift on his already spread legs, keeping them at a shoulder-hip width apart to aid in his balance, as toes massaged the earth and claws bit into the sand. His eyes remained narrowed as he raised his lips, wrinkling the flesh along his muzzle and cheek to protect his youthful features. With a sway of his tail he'd tuck it beneath him, to protect himself for the time being. Weight would settle on bent hind limbs, muscles coiling in wait for the first move. His fur would piloerect, puffing him out so there was more to bite through, as his shoulders pushed up and forward to bunch the loose flesh along the back of his neck, to aid in it's protection as well. Jaws would part to allow himself to breathe easier, and to help aid in the protection of his neck. He had practiced this enough times with Aunt Motif, that it all felt second nature now.

Sharp blue eyes, sharper now in battle with his pupils dilated to take in every movement, watched his opponent with precision and a sharp mind. He'd analyze every twitch, watch as Zell began to stalk around his side, and Star refused to give him that access. His forepaws would step around to his left, his hind legs to the right as Zell moved, spinning his body around to keep the headlong stance between him and his opponent. With each step he'd take, he'd rebalance his weight on all four paws, keeping them at shoulder width. A small growl would rumble in his throat, causing his lips to curl up along his teeth more, his body tense and weight pushing further onto his coiled hind limbs. The second Zell kicked off in his approach, Starling would leap forward as well, attempting to aid in closing the distance between them. He'd attempt to swerve slightly to his own right as Zell seemed to have the same idea. Since Starling had turned to face him, his side was inaccessible, so instead of throwing all his weight into his left side, Zell would instead be faced with the left of his chest and bone shoulder. A slight yelp burst from Starling's lungs as chest met chest in a bone shaking collision. The pain that blossomed quickly told his whirling mind that he would bruise severely at the end of the day (a part of his mind already mapping our herb dosage, quantity in store and locations if needed). Luckily for Starling, chest to chest wouldn't allow Zell the opportunity to barrell him over, with his weight evenly distributed on bent hind limbs, toes and claws biting into sand. Instead, he would skid back upon impact, his light weight no match for Zell's warrior form.

Zell's teeth also missed their mark because of the change in position, as Starling felt the painful feeling of teeth slicing through the flesh along the side of his neck, close to his nape but still on the side of his neck. Teeth ribboned the skin, causing blood to bead and then seep through fur, but nowhere near deep enough to be labelled as anything more than moderate lacerations. A solid grip wasn't given to his opponent this time, due to change of position, but enough of a wound that Starling would be in pain latter. He felt his opponent snake his paw around his own left leg, and quickly he'd lift it, redistributing his weight to his other three limbs to keep Zell from tripping him.

All this happened in the millaseconds since the impact rang through him, and the second the vibrations in his head would allow him to think, he's snap to action. His jaws would part before thrusting forward, attempting to wrap his jaws around the tender front of Zell's throat, which was more accessible to him to do their height difference. He would try to wrap his upper fangs on the left side of Zell's neck, and the bottoms around the right of his throat. He wanted a controlling grip, one that might allow him to cut of Zell's air supply, but nothing too terribly damaging. Simultanous with this, he would thrust his whole body forward with coiled hind limbs, attempted to push the larger man so his throat grip might be more effective and land. His left forepaw, still up in his response to the tripping attempt, would then try to reach and grab Zell's own left leg, in an attempt to pull towards Starling's chest, and let gravity bring that throat closer to him, if he managed to succeed in a forwards pull.

Star vs Zell
for Spar

"Burn Baby Burn" | "Italian"