
Do you feel more like a man?

Loki 1


6 Years
04-13-2013, 03:01 AM
Loki had no bitterness for Valhalla. She grew tired of its incessant talk of family and the concepts of love and how strong such bonds were... such a load of crap that was, but it was more an irritation than downright hatred. Yes, she had left, but she had not truly left, when the eruption occured and wolves were scattered to the winds, she had merely never come back. It had been a choice and an easy one at that. Tortuga left her the hell alone. She enjoyed the philosophy. She no longer had to deal with those who would preach to her of the beautys of love. She spat in the core of love. Such an idiotic notion did not exist. perhaps the paternal love was something to be noted, but emotions were weakness and lies. Nothing more and nothing less.

"Oh my sweet Fenrir,you still have much knowledge to obtain." She purred in a silken whisper. Of course she got no more time for herself. The ebony dame watched as the familiar visage of Valhalla's king... no... ex-king chanced upon them. He dismissed her like a common dog, but it did little to phase her. Her tail continued to bait behind her senselessly and without missing a beat she responded swiftly. "Oh dear Cairo you must have mistaken me for one of your heat soaked bitches that crawl for the chance to take a command from your larynx." Her silken tones never changed, perfectly relaxed and at ease.

"Do not get your cock in a twist, I have no intention of lingering any longer than I must. Much to common disbelief, I hate the taste of battle and war. A recluse suits me well, but do not forget that Fenrir is my son and despite what thoughts may linger in your mind, I care for my pups greatly. I want only the best for them. If Fenrir wishes to rejoin Valhalla I will not deny him such an opportunity, but I will see that he is happy and well taken care of." Her tones were much more solid and serious. Cairo could dame her to the lowest layer of hell for all she cared but he would not take her son with her.