
I Shoot Lightning Out Of Me Eyes!



4 Years
10-04-2015, 02:42 PM

Oooooo! What was that she heard filtering through the trees? A call for a spar? YES PLEASE. Warja was off like a shot, darting around trees and over snowy rocks with the single-minded goal of reaching the howler before anyone else could claim his fight. In a matter of minutes he came into view and Warja, in her excitement, aimed to nonchalantly prance within speaking distance if he'd let her. She wanted to approach him on his right side and place approximately nine feet between them with the center of the left side of her chest lined up with the outside of his right elbow - positioning that may have seemed coincidental but was anything but. Already she was scheming. "Hey," she called with a grin, "you and me, eh?" Not that she was going to give him a chance to object. If he didn't want to fight her then he was going to have to submit.

Slipping into a low crouch, Warja wiggled her eyebrows at the brute and then opened her mouth as if she were going to say more...and then she charged, hoping to close the distance between them as quickly as she could. And maybe, just maybe, her little fake out would surprise him enough to delay his reaction. In an instant Warja's demeanor lost its playfully edge and she became all business. Her ears slicked back and her eyes narrowed as her lips curled to bunch the skin around her eyes. Running the length and width of her back, Warja's hackles rose to stand in a protective line down her spine.

Standing straight and tall Warja was still quite a bit shorter than her opponent, but with her lowered stance her head barely managed to come up to his elbow, which meant that the center of her chest was just about the same height as the center of his foreleg. Which was perfect for what she wanted. Warja wanted to use this giant's height against him and to do that she aimed to slam the center of the left side of her chest into the outside of her opponent's right foreleg halfway between his ankle and his elbow. She wanted to straighten her front end to her full height (while keeping her knees bent loosely so that her rump was a tad lower) as she did so, hoping that such a move (starting low and pushing up) would encourage his leg to not only slide towards his left, but also force him to fall in her direction. Warja had a plan.

Shifting her weight to her right foreleg and hind legs (and distributing it equally among each grounded limb), Warja then lifted her left forefoot and "punched" out, hoping to sneak it in behind the brute's right foreleg and slam her paw pad into the middle of the inside of his left foreleg. This move wasn't a particularly strong one, but it went hand in hand with her chest slam and would hopefully help sweep the brute off his paws. It might seem crazy to want a giant to fall on you (and it was) but what she was wanting wasn't so simple or thoughtless. She wanted him to fall in her direction, sure, and kind of on top of her, BUT in theory her straightening to her full height would force her opponent to fall and then roll down her back and land on the ground behind her. It would take an awful lot of strength to support (however briefly) such a hefty looking brute, but Warja was up to the challenge. She tensed all over, her back held rigidly and her three grounded legs held stiffly with only a small amount of give in her knees. Her stance was just a little wider than hip and shoulder width, her toes were splayed and her claws pointed down to dig into the grit beneath them. Knowing that she was inviting a heavy giant to possibly squash her tail, she tucked it in the hopes of removing it completely from harm.

Lastly, Warja's jaws parted and her crown tipped to her left as she zeroed in on the back of her opponent's right elbow. Seeking to entrap the bony, thin-skinned joint, Warja aimed to slide her top jaw between the inside of his elbow and his armpit while digging the teeth of her lower jaw into the outside of his elbow directly across from where her upper teeth might find purchase. She wanted a solid, pain causing grip, one she hoped she might be able to use to further her goals. Maybe, just maybe, if it hurt enough and caused him to take weight off of the limb, it would help encourage him to go with the flow and roll over her back.

Round ONE of TWO