
Do you feel more like a man?


04-13-2013, 03:18 AM

Perhaps the boy did have so much more knowledge to obtain. Her silky tones that she purred at him certainly did address that much. He'd hardly discovered much of the world. It was quite pathetic actually. He'd been hiding among the southern pack for so long. He hadn't truly explored the wonders and curiosities that it had to offer. Then again Fenrir wasn't one to truly enjoy the beauty. Still, he could accept the fact that there was so much more another could teach him, and by far he was willing to learn if given the chance.

The sound of another caught his attention and the scent that soon followed was enough to realize that perhaps he was remembered. The King came forth carrying himself like the man Fenrir remembered him to be. His pelt had grayed slightly, but the golden and brown hues still suggested the glorious coat he had once held. Azure eyes seemed the same as always and truly the only thing that seemed to have affected the older male was time. Age had caught up to him and he soon realized that Valhalla had a new ruler. Who could it be though? He was unaware of any heir.

Alas, it did not matter at the present time. Cairo dismissed his mother without a second thought and then turned upon him with a more pleasant expression upon his visage. Duo-colored hues looked at him with a curious gleam as the elder pressed a nose to his shoulder. So he did remember him. Fenrir hadn't expected many to, but it was pleasing to know that the ex lord retained some memory, and even seemed to be somewhat pleased by his return. The black and crimson brute attempted to return the gesture by aiming to repeat it, pressing his nose against the mans shoulder. Words soon came as Fenrir broke away from the greeting.

"Been well. Don't seem too bad yourself. Least I hope not."

An ebony ear flicked towards his mother and eyes widened slightly at her words. He'd forgotten what a mouth she had at times. His calm expression returned and eyes glanced towards the former Alpha as he wondered what he would think. Would he have any reaction at all, or would he continue to ignore her as he had before? Surely her words must have struck a nerve. Was she aiming to cause trouble for herself? He truly believed she was looking out for his well being. He had to commend her for that. She wasn't the best mother, but she truly did care, but at such lengths.... her words seemed a bit drastic. Then again, Loki had always had a way with words.
