
Voz De La Innocente


10-04-2015, 05:06 PM

She had finally gotten over her stupid sickness. Whatever it was had taken a toll on her, the females frame had grown gaunt and her fur patchy, but she'd made it through and had left the hole she'd crawled into. A few days past, she had managed to hunt a few rabbits and get herself back to the gleaming beauty that she believed herself to be, and now walked with a confident step. The fall breeze did well to soothe her still aching throat, somewhat parched and dry from her lack of talking. She was a social creature, she hated being alone and wanted nothing more then to share in the companionship of another.

The crashing sound of a waterfall would draw her forth, the fae seeking out the source to cool her sore throat. Tall red form brushed through the plants, steps careful as she made it to the banks of the waterfall. The scent around her seemed stale, as if several wolves had lingered about and were now gone. She'd brush it off, none of her concern anyway. She would crouch down then, lapping up the cool water and almost moaning at the sheer pleasure of it soothing her throat.

"Listen to me talk," 'and know my thoughts.'