
The Strangest Stranger



7 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze Participant
10-04-2015, 07:09 PM

With Chaos as full of milk as he usually ever got and sleeping soundly in the den, Cas was taking the opportunity to sun herself on rise of a nearby knoll. Close enough to listen for Chaos and prevent any escape attempts, but far and high enough to keep an eye on the land around her as she enjoyed the break. Chaos was getting better - significantly better - since he'd been introduced to solid foots. His odd dental structure seemed much better suited to solids than it was to nursing, and he was a much happier kid and slept a lot better now, so she herself was starting to catch up on her sleep. She was still on edge, still irritable, still struggling with a lot of emotions that usually just weren't present. She wanted to spend more time with Valen, just Valen, and sort out what was wrong with her, but with the kids, and Rhythm, and alpha-ing... no. She would not ask him for help and cause him more worry. She would find her own way out of this emotional morass she'd found herself in.

And the perfect opportunity presented itself in the sudden flurry of the buffalo herd that had previously been grazing placidly nearby, over near the border. Her ears pricked forward as she raised her head to see better, in time to catch the form of a stranger racing after one of the buffalo calves. Right over the line into Imperium. Oh, Cascade knew that line quite well - they marked the obvious landmarks, so she could see quite clearly that the dark colored wolf had crossed into Imperium without even a second thought, then when the buffalo herd outclassed them they began to slink back toward the border clearly hoping no one would be the wiser. Cas snorted, then stood and stretched. Trespassing, and attempting to steal prey? Fun fun. Chaos would be fine by himself for a little while. She had some business to attend to.

At a straight out sprint over land she knew as well as her own den, Cascade could run as silently and swiftly as a hunting cat or a desert hound, and she took full advantage of that, seeking to come up behind the male at a diagonal angle with the intention of slamming her right shoulder into his left hip in an attempt to throw him to the ground, then skidding to a halt. Teeth bared in a manic grin she huffed out, "You seem to be lost, pretty boy."

Cascade's "baby daddy" (Valentine) and her children (Angelus, Seraphim, Evangeline, and Chaos) are allowed in any of her threads, regardless of whether or not they are marked private. Because they are all special rays of sunshine.

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