
The Mother's Pain.


04-13-2013, 03:54 AM

Some of her depression seemed to fade at his words. He could truly see that she only wished the best for the young man. Luce taking on the roll of his mate.... well it was certainly odd, but he would keep that information from her. Luce had poisoned him with her own silver tongued lies and assurances, but it was too late now. She'd only increased the hatred he had festering within him to begin with, not started it.

"?At least he?s happy where he is. By the way, I?m glad to see you made it out alive in the Eruption.?

Her words surprised the silver male and his expression changed to a curious one. Erani surely was an odd one, but he had to commend her for not automatically stereotyping him into some evil category like most Tortugans. Sure. He had a dark side. He would easily admit that, but he wasn't all bad. At least not to those who were respectful enough to be nice upon first encounters. Erani wasn't so bad either. For a Valhallan.

"Nice to see you made it too. Out of all the Valhallans, I believe I like you the most. Which is saying something, I'm not too fond of your pack."

The male let out a soft chuckle before rising with her, taking note of her extended belly and the effort it took for her to move. Her words only furthered his suspicious, but he remained silent about them. Some things were better left unsaid. Instead he nodded his head and turned to leave, but her last set of words stopped him.

?You?re father, Nnoitra, got me out of a tight spot with Banshee. I never thanked him for that. Can you give him my thanks??

So Nnoitra had met her as well. How odd. And he had helped her? Shoulders rolled back as he stretched them, pondering the curiosities of the world. His father only did things that benefited him. He couldn't help but wonder what he had gotten out of helping Erani. A soft smirk played across his lips and he nodded.

"I'd avoid Banshee from now on. Dunno what possessed him to help you, but I'll pass on your thanks to him."

Thoroughly amused he continued on, only keeping an ear trained backwards in her direction as he headed back to his pack to see how things were doing, leaving the white female to head back to her own pack.

-Exit Kaien, unless stopped-
